Saturday, June 19, 2010

Vacation recap: Future projects

So here I am, back from my week-long secret surprise birthday trip, visiting Lara and Jeanette. (and Cat and Will, and Jenny and Karlene.... A lot of my friends live there now) It was, of course, delightful fun. I mostly hung around their apartment and played video games, or watched people play video games. I don't get to do that very often, and I find it very relaxing and fun. The best game I played was Portal, which I actually finished! (Well, it is a very short game) I am now recommending it to everyone I know. Also finished Machinarium and the first Half of Fable two. The trip back was hellish, what with the waiting three hours in the rain for the Bus, but I survived and am back at home.

In dilettante news, I am still thinking about doll making, and have a ton of paperclay to play around with. The creative kind, not the ceramic kind, for those who care to know. Also, while visiting, Lara and I started a webcomic. We were hanging at a coffee shop (ok, a starbucks) and doodling to waste time before meeting up with Cat and Will, and we crafted a story about people working in a bookshop. I admit, I thought that was the end of it, but Lara got really excited and cajoled me into drafting eight pages, which she drew and inked. The plan is for me to do most of the writing, and then the final coloring and lettering.

I admit I was a bit slow to warm up to the idea, having so many ideas of my own, and feeling like I was doing the boring parts. But then I got to thinking.... Maybe this is good for me? Having someone to answer to so I actually work on something? Since I'm not so emotionally invested in the project a lot of the fear of failure is missing. I think I might just get to coloring those eight pages....

Also, SUPER EXCITING job interview Monday! It's the job I've really wanted since I saw it posted on craigslist, and actually involves my skill-set and my degree. Woo-hoo! I need to get an interview outfit together, henna my hair so the roots don't show, maybe get a haircut, and most importantly, put together a stellar portfolio. I hope this leads to exciting places!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Figuring things out

So, Since apparently sleep isn't happening tonight, I have come to some conclusions regarding this here blogoroonie. I wasn't entirely sure why I began this- purely on a whim, really. But, given my natural proclivities, I think I can discern the method behind the madness.
As my last post reveals, I tend to procrastinate, also, obsess briefly, also, give up on things when they are but half finished. I now confess the shameful truth, I am an itinerant dabbler. My interests, like my knowledge base, is wide, yet shallow. To coin a phrase, I am a jack of all (well, most) trades, and a master of none. For to exhibit my shame, I now list the things I have attempted to make/do in the past, and have not followed through on:
Making shoes
Furniture construction
Home decoration/home renovation
Jewelry (wire and bead)
writing/illustrating a children's book
writing several novels
starting a webcomic (or two)
writing a blog (this is take two, er... five?)
recording an album
Writing all the songs for said album
Making art for said album
Becoming a Ren faire performer
Sell my artwork (No wait.... there was that one time)
setting up a website
setting up an online portfolio (that one I DO hope to finish soon)
Crap tons of sewing projects (so, so many sewing projects)
Last, but not least,
Getting a real job
I haven't ever manages to accomplish that one yet! I was paid for being a student, (long story) and now I leech off of my husband, the poor dear.

So, as you can see, I need help. Perhaps having something to answer to will help me follow through on things. Maybe. Or at least it might be fun to watch my spectacular failures. We can only hope.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fat Dolls: Theoretical Applications

Surprisingly, a Second post!

In my fantastic capacity for procrastination, I stopped working on top secret birthday surprise project and started perusing the internet.... two hours ago. Currently, looking into making a ball-jointed doll. And while it is evidently cheaper and easier to just buy one, I highly doubt they make rotund ones. By and large, the typical ball-jointed dolls is extremely waifish, while I want to make dolls that are based on more typical body shapes, complete with bulges and cellulite. I think, since dolls are suposed to be child-like and innocent, it would be fun to make some that are clearly adults. They could tie into my paintings even! (check out online portfolio if interested in big fat lady paintings) I'd also like to try making fat lady cloth dolls using this method.

It's probably all folly, though. It's highly doubtful any doll-making will get done, given my previously mentioned problem with procrastination. But, it's nice to dream!

Speaking of online portfolio, desperately need to get to a good-quality scanner to input more art, including from top-secret birthday project.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Hello! Hello! Hello!

It seems so strange, being an adult. I keep forgetting my own age, as if somehow, my mind stopped counting at twenty. "Twenty-two? Hang on a sec... Wait... No, I'm almost twenty-four... that can't be right." I wonder why that is? Am I afraid of growing old? (at twenty-four? How ridiculous!) Or is it more that I'm afraid of what it means to be a grown-up: to let cynicism gel in me like aspic in a mold. To have the daily grind of scheduled life mean more than the unexpected and the strange.....

If you can't tell, feeling introspective. Off to shower and dress and eat, then off to target for some vaguely necessary things. But I must be careful; we need to let this tax return last us until I'm gainfully employed.